My Views

Abortion - Abortion of any type is morally wrong, and is tantamount to murder of an innocent child. Especially heinous is the practice of late-term abortion and partial-birth abortion. Babies born as early as 23 weeks into a pregnancy have survived, and are projected to live full and healthy lives.  Unfortunately, many women (and men) believe that a woman has full control over ‘her’ body, even when that includes an innocent life. The pro-choice movement has been a staunch advocate of a woman’s choice after conception, however, they seem to forget that the woman already made her choice in the decision to have sex.

The only active support I would give for abortion would be in the case of a rape reported to the appropriate authorities, and situations where the mother were at imminent danger of suffering permanent physical harm or death. Dehumanizing the human life by insisting it is “only” a 'fetus', 'embryo', or 'tissue mass' is intellectually dishonest and denies the possibilities inherent to any fetus once conception has occurred.

    Early Term – Though I strongly believe that abortion is morally wrong, I also realize that some women will desperately seek abortions whether legal or not. To prevent women, especially our young women from being forced into back street abortion clinics, I will not support a ban on first term abortions.

    Parental Consent/NotificationParents/guardians must be notified of an abortion performed on minors under the age of 18 for which they have legal responsibility.  Additionally, children under the age of 16 must have the written consent of at least one parent or a signed court order.

    Residency - To receive an abortion, a person must have established full-time residence and been physically present inside the state for a minimum of 60 days. Temporary absences from the state for motives of work, travel, vacation not to exceed ten hours each day (in case of working in a different state) or two weeks (travel/vacation) will be permitted.

    Late Term – Late term abortion is murder. All late term abortions should be banned, and those who perform late-term abortions, with the exception of imminent threat to the mothers life of permanent physical harm, should be charged with premeditated murder.

    Clinic Sanitation A clinic, regardless of its purpose, must be sanitary.  An abortion, no matter how simple, is still a surgical procedure, and the utmost precautions should be taken to minimize the chance of nosocomio infections.

Crime and Punishment

    Jessica’s LawIf anything, I consider Jessica’s law is too lenient.  Any adult who is willing to destroy the life of an innocent child should be locked up for life with no hope of parole, in certain circumstances, the death penalty should be considered as a viable punishment. Every study that I have read or heard of reports that there is no cure for pedophiliacs.  We have an obligation to protect our children, not to ‘take chances’ that a person who has raped once will ever rape again.

    Sexual Molesters I believe that many people are convicted each year by concocted stories based upon no physical evidence. To obtain a conviction, there must be clear evidence that a crime has been committed.  Young children are easily manipulated into not just making up a story, but into actually believing the story.

    Death Penalty – I fully support the death penalty. It should only be utilized in cases of premeditated murder, especially heinous murders, murder of a peace officer, and rape of a child under the age of 12. To ensure that the shame of the death penalty is fully appreciated, all executions should be aired publicly.  This ensures that all persons who premeditate murder are aware that they will be punished by the loss of their life. This would also demonstrate to potential jurors the full impact of the sentence if they award the death penalty.


    No Child Left Behind The goals of NCLB are very commendable, however, the requirements and the way the metrics are measured leave much to be desired. Our Governor and our state legislature must work closely with the Board of Education and the individual school districts to ensure that we are providing the best education that we can afford for our children.

    State Education FundingFunding of public schools is the number one mandate of the state.  We must ensure that all necessary money is provided to our schools to educate our children. However, public schools must also conform with basic accounting practices and should be required to make available detailed spending reports and budgets.  Every dime must be accounted for and traceable.

    School Funding All school funding should be attached to the student, not his/her home school. Parents should have the option of where to send their children for schooling. Children attending public schools will have 100% of the public funding provided to the school of their parents choice. Those who opt for a private education will have 75% of the public funding provided to offset the costs of the schools tuition.

    Sex EducationEach parent is responsible for providing their children with certain information.  Unfortunately, for whatever reason, many parents have abdicated this responsibility to the state. Sex education should be optional and requested in writing by the parents, not an “opt-out” course.

    Special Education In my personal experience, the special education units in our schools have some serious deficiencies.  These must be addressed and our children with the highest need for help should be have that help provided in a kind and compassionate manner rather than a one size fits all approach.

Eminent DomainGovernment of any type should not be taking property except for the use of the people. I do not consider 'economic development' to be a valid excuse.  In cases where the usage of eminent domain is justified, the government entity should pay fair compensation as determined by market conditions, not by government appraised value. In the case of the taking of a primary residence or a small business, the government should also pay all moving expenses to ensure complete fairness to the person affected.

Gay MarriageMarriage is a relationship established by the church, and thus sanctified by God.  As homosexuality is considered an abomination by God, man cannot realistically expect God to bless that which he has already condemned.  Homosexuality itself is not a “natural” condition as many wish to prove, as man cannot procreate with another man, and a woman cannot procreate with another woman, and thus cannot be granted any type of special protections or privileges. Recognition of a civil union would be an acceptable compromise.

Government Employees Government should not be the fastest growing employer in our state.  A full review of every single government position should be required to validate the need for every compensated position.

Illegal ImmigrationThe law is the law and we should not take any actions which aid or abet those persons who are in violation of the law.  I also consider the term “Illegal Immigrant” offensive, as the majority of those who enter our country illegally are not immigrants, rather, they are here to get what money they can, then after several years, they plan to return to their home country.

    AliensThose who are here against the law should be identified and deported.  If caught in violation of other laws or ordinances, they should be required to pay any fine/reparations and serve any incarceration time prior to their deportation. Their being here illegally and subject to deportation should have no impact on their eventual sentence.

    EmployersThose companies/individuals who utilize illegal labor should be heavily fined, and if they commit repeat or egregious offenses, they should be shut down. Those who discriminate against US Citizens or legal residents should be liable under existing discrimination laws.

    State BenefitsAll persons receiving or benefiting from state or local government financed social services should be required to provide evidence of citizenship or legal residence prior to receiving any social services other than emergency medical care.  This means that children born to illegal immigrants, though US Citizens, would receive a lower level of benefits than those who have parents here in compliance with the law. We should not “pay” anyone for violating our laws.  In addition, all state agencies will be responsible for maintaining statistics on the number of families that include illegal immigrants are receiving benefits.

    VotingYou must be a US Citizen to vote, ballots should be in English, and those individuals/groups soliciting the registration to vote of those illegally inside the country must be held fully accountable. Our voter registration rolls must be audited and purged of persons no longer alive, no longer resident, or who are not authorized to vote. A government issued ID should be presented upon registration to vote, and every time a vote is cast.

Taxes – Our government is obligated to perform certain functions.  We, the people, must pay our fair share of that financing.

    PropertyThe government should not charge rent to live on property already paid for.  All property taxes for individual residences should be repealed.

    Corporate Relief Many companies receive tax relief or abatement to remain in Kansas, expand their facilities, or relocate to Kansas.  For companies expanding their business or relocating to Kansas, taxes should be abated as long as the state does not lower the amount of previous income from that land use. For companies wishing to move out of Kansas, we must identify why they are wishing to relocate, and ensure that we eliminate to the greatest extent possible those impediments.

    Fair TaxI am amenable to implementing a fair tax as long as certain guarantees and offsets were provided to low income families which would be hardest hit by such a tax.  Basic necessities of life such as groceries and utilities should be exempt from sales tax.

    Tax Break Weekend One weekend each year, just prior to the commencement of school in the fall, all items that can be reasonably associated with school should be granted a sales tax exemption similar to that provided in other states.  I would recommend either the first or second weekend of August.